Founder – Professional Matchmaker
What exactly is Hitched!? The term “Hitch” is actually a slang term
meaning “to bind by marriage vows; unite in marriage; marry”. Cited
Hitched!, is the organization I created to help Muslims do just that!
How does it work? My team, which consists of a few husband and wife
duos canvas the community to find a potential spouse for you based on
your preferences and profile information provided. We try our best to
look into every “nook and cranny” in the community to find you a
single, eligible brother or sister who could fit the profile and
potentially be your future life partner.
We are not an online matrimonial site/service. I repeat, we are NOT
online! We use good “ole” fashion networking, both in person and
through networks, to accomplish our matches. Places you may find a
Hitched! representative:
1. The masajids/prayers (First and foremost!)
2. Carnivals
3. Conferences
4. Ethnic festivals
5. Fundraisers
6. Halaqas
7. Social events
8. The mall and or grocery stores – True story!
9. Universities
10. Weddings (No, we will not crash them!)
11. Wherever we think we will find a large Muslim population to network with
*We also travel to other cities and states however, on a leisurely
basis. We will not conduct international networking.
Where you will NOT find a Hitched! rep:
1. Bars
2. Clubs
3. Hooka lounges and or “smoke bars”
We serve clients from any and ALL nationalities and ethnic backgrounds
within the United States and Canada.
How It Works?

For a fee, we ask you a few questions, either in person or over the
phone, and request the most recent photo of you via text and email,
which creates your profile.
Once the aforementioned conditions have been met, we hit the ground
running. The search for your spouse begins!
We operate anonymously which means we NEVER reveal your name or a
picture of you to anyone we are speaking to on your behalf. We strictly provide your profile information. The only exceptions are when we find a match and need to exchange your information to that match and vice versa OR you have given prior consent to release your contact info or pic.
- There is a fee, however, if we cannot find at least ONE presentable
person to introduce to you as a match within twelve months, you get
your money back full refund in sha’Allah! - If however, we do find at least one eligible candidate and make an
introduction then the money is no longer refundable. - If we create a match and both parties agreeably separate well before a
year has transpired, we continue our search for both parties until a
full year has expired. The year begins upon receipt of a client’s payment. - We do exercise the right to refuse service to any client.
- Must be 21 and up to participate. Must be single. Must be Muslim!
Other rules and restrictions apply! - Please email us to learn the cost for service. All participants are
required to provide a picture of their current state or federal issued
photo ID.
Interested? A little curious?