The Art of SWAG!

What is SWAG?!  Swag, which is the abbreviated word form of Swagger, is the exuding of confidence, coolness and demure that a person possesses in their style, presence and overall well being.  It is not to be confused or associated with arrogance or a “better than” attitude. Swag is that cool factor that makes any

Salatul Istikhara!

It is absolutely incumbent upon every believer to seek guidance from Allah before embarking upon any major decision that can and will affect one’s life forever. Marriage is arguably the number one reason Muslims pray Salatul Istikhara. So as a single Muslim, in preparation for marriage, it is a MUST to seek guidance from Allah before declaring

Walk Towards Your Lord

Alhamdulillah! No one ever said that being single would be easy. But if there is anything I have learned is that Allah (sub hanahu’wa ta’ala) is always by His servant’s side. I LOVE words of inspiration, encouragement and motivation. So who better else to give words of empowerment other than Allah, the one who created

We’re Back!

To all of you, our beloved Hitched! stakeholders, I would like to sincerely apologize for the delay in this week’s newsletter distribution! The reason for the delay was that I had the wonderful opportunity this past weekend to attend the National Council of Nigerian Muslim Organizations’ Platform Conference. Platform is an annual conference where Nigerian-Muslims and the

The Power of Istighfar!

This past weekend I had the honor of learning about some of Allah’s most beautiful names and attributes through an AlMaghrib course I attended titled His Majesty – Unlocking the Names of Allah.

The TOP FIVE Singles Friendly Masajids in Houston!

You know, as a single Muslima, I have been giving it a lot of thought lately of the masajids in our area that are actually “Singles Friendly” and have programs scheduled to help serve single Muslims in their quest to be married. After years of seeking knowledge at various masajids in our community and even